Our Services

  • One Off Service

    One time visit to test your electrical equipment. Great for companies that need infrequent testing or the just need a one time visit.

    1.00 Per Appliance + Travel & Report

  • Yearly Repeat Service

    Sign to a 3-year service and we visit before your testing expires to retest equipment. Receive discount off your invoice when signup to repeat service.

    0.80 Per Appliance + Travel & Report

  • Fixed Day Rate

    Have 1000’s of items, or not sure on the total number of appliances? Hire our technicians for a set rate and they will test everything they find.

    350 for 8hrs + Travel & Report

  • Visit us and Test

    Great for single items or to save on costs, bring your equipment to our store and we will test and write report as you wait.

    3.00 Per Appliance + Report


Schools & Education



Gym’s & Leisure Centre’s



Small Businesses

Mobile DJ’s

Frequently Ask Questions

What is counted as a Portable Appliance?

Any appliance that uses a flexible lead or plug and socket qualifies as a portable appliance, from large items like fridges and freezers to phone charges and kettles.

What kind of items need testing?

Portable Appliance (Has flexible cable and plugs in) Information Technolgy equipment (Computers, printers and monitors) Extension Leads.

The law says equipment must PAT Test every year?

No, The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 requires that any electrical equipment that has the potential to cause injury is maintained in a safe condition. However, they do not specify what need to be done and by whom or the how often.

How often should PAT Testing be done?

This comes down to each business own risk assessment and what the business deems rescannable. A lamp in a hotel poses a much lower risk then a drill on a construction site so the frequency of testing would be much lower. Lots of our customers opt for doing class 1 items every 12 months and Class 2 every other year.

What is Class 1 and Class 2 Equipment?

The main difference between the classes of the equipment is the insulation methods and weather they require an earth connection. Class 1 has basic insualtion and requires an earth lead connected to any metal parts of the appliance. Class 2 items have double or reinforced insualtion and doenst require a earth connection. Class 2 equipment is considered safter the Class 1 equipment and can be easily identified by a double square logo

Does brand new equipment need testing?

No, the new appliance will be covered by the manufactures warranty.

Appliance Picture Gallery